New Consulting Firm Selects Government Relations Fellow with Local Ties!

(San Antonio, Tx.- June 16, 2017) EMC Strategy Group, LLC and ADELANTE! U.S. Education Leadership Fund are pleased to announce the selection of the 2017 Government Relations Fellow.
Ms. Brianna Isabella Chapa of San Antonio, Tx. will work with EMC Strategy Group, LLC and ADELANTE! throughout the summer.
Brianna recently graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio. She also participated in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) Internship Program in Washington, DC this past Spring where she worked in the office of Congressman Joaquin Castro.
Brianna earned her Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree in Public Health concentration in Health Promotion and Behavioral Science from the University of Texas San Antonio.
"We are excited to have Brianna on our team this summer," says EMC Owner & Founder Janice M. Gonzalez. "She is a very impressive leader who has a promising future and is passionate about public service," adds Gonzalez.
Brianna's family is from Eagle Pass, TX. and her uncle is City Council Member Rudy Villalpando
Brianna will work with EMC Strategy Group to help provide government relations services to the Cities of Eagle Pass, Freer, and San Diego and also work to support the Brownsville Firefighter's Leadership Ball honoring Congressman Filemon Vela.
"Brianna was the right selection for our team, because of her ties to the local community and her bi-cultural experience." says EMC President & CEO Ernie Gonzalez, Jr. "Our summer internship program with ADELANTE! U.S. Education Leadership Fund is intense program, where we expose our interns and fellows to work hard and really get to see government firsthand, we look for young promising leaders who have an interest in public service and l am confident that we picked a winner," adds Gonzalez.
This is the second time that EMC Strategy Group, LLC and ADELANTE! have teamed up to offer this Government Relations Summer Fellowship and Internship Program.